Tribe Property Technologies

Build, Manage, Live

At Tribe, we offer tech-elevated solutions for Building, Managing and Living in multi-family residential communities.

Our solutions combine human interaction, access and data to support a sustainable future for our multi-family living environments.

Tribe Property Technologies


Pre- and post-construction solutions to support building completion and facilitate handover to owners and property managers. 


Property management services and technologies that drive operational efficiencies and streamline service delivery for Managers, Councils and Boards.


Tools and services to support daily living needs in managed communities – from bookable amenities to a digital marketplace for residents.

Our Solutions

At Tribe, we support the entire lifespan of a building – from start to finish. Our solutions combine human interaction, access and data to support a sustainable future for multi-family residential communities, commercial environments and investment properties.

Pre & Post Construction Software

Property Management Services

Property Management Software

A Solution For Everyone…

Multi-family residential communities, commercial environments and investment properties are supported by many different roles and relationships. Whether you are building, servicing, managing, investing in or living in a managed property, we have a solution for you.

Access to community information, building health, payment options, exclusive offers. Easy, trackable communication with residents and councils.


On-demand access to important records, documents and services with full transparency and accountability.

Councils & Boards

Processes and tools that free up time for more efficient management services. Improved industry reputation.

Property Managers

Organized data, easy payments, improved tenant relationships, improved workflows.


Tools to track all deficiencies, access to building data, digital owners’ manuals. Seamless hand-over to management team.


Easier access between trades, service providers and communities.

Service Providers

Tribe by the Numbers

National footprint with seven offices across British Columbia

Homes under management

Direct relationship

Residents in Tribe communities

Tech-enabled community living solutions

Council and Board members supported

The fastest growing Property Management company

Team members


"Until we switched to Tribe, I had no idea how great my property manager could be, but Tribe blew my expectations out of the water."

-Sarah T, Council member

"Their tool frees up the time of TWO employees. That's thousands of dollars in monthly savings."

-Multi-Family Condo Developer

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